
Adjust / Edit Product Stock Level in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Once you have created a product and added the Initial Stock levels, the quantity of products changes automatically with new sales orders or purchases orders. To adjust a certain product’s quantity:

  1. From the “Inventory” menu, choose “Inventory”.
  2. Next to the product you wish to view, click the right arrow and choose “view”.
  3. Click the information tab.
  4. Click on the “Adjust Manually” button under the stock level option.
  5. From the “Quantity” option, choose to add or subtract and add the number you wish to add/subtract to the stock level.
  6. Add the “Unit Price” of the buy/sell addition and choose the currency.
  7. Choose the “Movement date”.
  8. Add any related notes.
  9. The Stock Before and Stock After will show the changes to the quantity of the stock before and after this edit.

Click the “Save” button.

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