
Adding New suppliers to your OnlineInvoices Inventory Management System

“Adding New Suppliers” on your “Online Invoices” Inventory Management system can be done through  the following  steps:

  1. Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Manage Suppliers” option.
  2. The “Suppliers” main home page will display all the recently created suppliers.
  3. Click the “New Supplier” button.add-supplier-details


Add the new supplier’s details:

Complete the “Supplier Details”:

  1. “Business Name”: Enter the supplier business name here. If there isn’t any organization name, simply add the supplier’s full name, and leave “First Name” and “Last Name” blank(empty).
  2. Add your supplier’s Business details: “Name”, “Telephones”, and “Address”.
  3. Tick the “Add Secondary address” checkbox if you wish to add another address for the supplier, such as another office or the suppliers’ warehouse for example.
  4. Click the “Add Contact” button to add more contacts related to the supplier, like sales department, shipping department…etc. You can add unlimited contacts for one supplier.

Complete the “Account Details”:

  1. “Supplier Number”: By default, your system will automatically generate the next available Supplier number. You can change the number if required (providing you with an option to select a number which has not been taken already), and the system will select the next available number when you add your next Supplier.
  2. “Currency”: If you required dealing with a different currency with a Supplier (rather than the default currency entered into the global settings), enter the appropriate currency into the currency field.
  3. “Email”: Enter your supplier’s “Email” into the email address field.
  4. “Notes”: Add any notes you want to add about the supplier.

Click on the “Save” button to save the new Supplier.


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