Browsing articles from "June, 2016"

How to Add a New Inventory Product on the “Online Invoices” Inventory system

The first step concerning managing your inventory is adding your “Products &  Services” and you can do that through the following steps. Through the “Inventory” tab, select the  “Inventory” option. Click the “New Product” button on the top right corner. Add the new Product’s details: “Name”: Enter the product “Name” (make sure to select a remarkable clear attributive name). “Description”: Add a “Description” to the “Products/Services” you are offering/presenting.  If you want to use one field […]


Adding New suppliers to your OnlineInvoices Inventory Management System

“Adding New Suppliers” on your “Online Invoices” Inventory Management system can be done through  the following  steps: Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Manage Suppliers” option. The “Suppliers” main home page will display all the recently created suppliers. Click the “New Supplier” button.   Add the new supplier’s details: Complete the “Supplier Details”: “Business Name”: Enter the supplier business name here. If there isn’t any organization name, simply add the supplier’s full name, and leave […]


Adjust / Edit Product Stock Level in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Once you have created a product and added the Initial Stock levels, the quantity of products changes automatically with new sales orders or purchases orders. To adjust a certain product’s quantity: From the “Inventory” menu, choose “Inventory”. Next to the product you wish to view, click the right arrow and choose “view”. Click the information tab. Click on the “Adjust Manually” button under the stock level option. From the “Quantity” option, choose to add or […]


Create New Purchase Order in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Creating “New Purchase Orders”: Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Manage Purchase Orders” option. Click the “New Purchase Order” button. Anatomy of a purchase order: Select a “Supplier” from the previously existing created suppliers. Add the “P.O Number” and the Purchase order’s “Date”. Select an “Item” from the drop down list and fill out its data (“Unit buy price” – “Quantity”). Add any “Notes” or terms related to your purchase order. Tick the “Received” check […]


Manage Inventory Products in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Inventory” option. The Inventory page displays all inventory “Products” or “Services” you have added to your system. To create a “New Product”, click the “New Product” button. Use the “Search” bar to search for products by “Name”, “Code”, “Tag”, “Category”, “Brand”, or “Status”. Each listed inventory item will show its “Name”, “Code”, “Barcode”, “Status” (“IN STOCK” – “INACTIVE” – “LOW STOCK” – “OUT OF STOCK”), “Buy Price”, and “Retail Price”. […]


Manage Purchase Orders on “Online Invoices” Inventory system

Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Manage Purchase Orders” option. The Purchase Orders page displays all the “Purchase Orders” you have already created. To create a new “Purchase Order”, click the “New Purchase Orders” button. Use the “Search” bar to search for “Purchase Orders” by “Number”, “Supplier”, “Currency”, “Date” and “Staff”. Each displayed “Purchase Order” will show its “Number”, “Supplier Information”, “Date”, “Status” (“DRAFT” – “UNRECEIVED” – “RECEIVED”), and “Price”. Edit a “Purchase Order”. Through […]


Track Products Stock Transactions & Movements in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Review the latest stock Transactions All Stock Transactions are recorded within your system. To view the latest stock Transactions: From the “Inventory” menu, choose “Inventory”. Next to the product you wish to view, click the right arrow and choose “view”. Click the “Stock Transactions” tab. The Stock transaction tab will show all the latest edits to the stock level (Purchase orders – Sales orders – Manual Adjustments), date of the edit, move count, and stock […]


Managing Suppliers in the OnlineInvoices Inventory system

Through the “Inventory” tab, select the “Manage Suppliers” option. This page displays all current suppliers. You can use the tabs on the right-hand side to “Edit”, “View”, or “Delete” the supplier details through the “More” tab Add new Suppliers on your “OnlineInvoices” Inventory system by clicking the “New Supplier” button. Use the  “Search” bar to search for a supplier; click the “More Options” button at the top right corner to show all search filters.  The […]

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