Browsing articles from "February, 2016"

How to import a list of expense entries from a CSV file

You can add a numerous number of expense entries in a few steps without having to enter every expense entry one by one manually to the system by using the importing function. You can import the “Date”, “Amount”, “Currency”, “Category”, “Vendor” and “Notes” . Start importing a list of  expense entries by following these steps: Notes: Only CSV files / Text files (Comma Separated, Tab Delimited, Column separated can be imported). If you have any […]


How to import a list of income entries from CSV file

You can add a numerous number of income entries in a few steps without having to enter each income entry one by one manually on the system by using the importing function. You can import the “Date”, “Amount”, “Currency”, “Category”, “Vendor” and “Notes”. Start importing a list of  income entries by following these steps: Notes: Only CSV files / Text files (Comma Separated, Tab Delimited, Column separated can be imported). If you have any other […]


How to import a list of time entries from a CSV file

You can add a numerous number of entries in a few steps without having to enter every time entry one by one manually on the system by using the importing feature. You can import the “Project Name”, “Activity”, “Time Value”, “Date” and “Description”. To start importing a list of time entries follow these steps: Notes: Only CSV files / Text files (Comma Separated, Tab Delimited, Column separated can be imported). If you have any other […]


How to import a list of projects from a CSV file

How to import a list of projects from a CSV file. You can add a numerous number of projects in a few steps without having to enter every project one by one manually on the system by using the importing feature. To start importing a list of projects please follow the following steps: Open the Excel program At the first row add the “Project Name” in the A1 field. Below each field fill out the […]


How to import a list of clients from a CSV file

You can add a numerous number of clients with a few steps without having to enter every client manually to the system by using the import feature. You can import the “Client Number”, “Email”, “Business Name”, “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Telephone”, “Street Address 1”, “Street Address 2”, “City”, “State”, “Postal Code” and “Country”. The” Business Name” field is mandatory and you can choose to add or not to add any of the other fields. The […]


How to import a list of products from a CSV file

You can add a numerous number of products in a few steps without having to enter every product one by one manually to the system by using the importing feature. You can import the “Product Code”,”Bar Code”,”Name”, “Description”, “Unit Price”, “Buy Price”, “Default Quantity”, “Category” and “Brand” fields. To start importing  any lists of products you will have to do the following steps: Notes: Only CSV files / Text files (Comma Separated, Tab Delimited, Column […]

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